07976 980 588


The UK's data privacy law is changing from 25th May 2018. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a legal framework that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of personal information of individuals within the European Union (EU). It is designed to offer greater protection for users over their data and privacy.

We have a legitimate interest in processing your personal data and this is detailed below.

As a legal requirement, to be assessed by your health professional, you will be asked to fill in a medical assessment form. This will contain information regarding your personal details , such as your name, address, date of birth, GP name and address, and more sensitive data such as your previous medical history and medication. This is classified as special category (article 9) data.

This information allows your therapist to provide the best and safest treatment plan for you.

We ask for your email address and mobile telephone number in order to provide you with email and text reminders of appointments, share advice relating to your treatment and provide rehabilitation programmes to aid your recovery.

All of the information that you supply will be confidential and is stored securely. Your records are recorded on paper, kept in locked filing cabinets and the clinic rooms are always locked outside of working hours or when unoccupied.

Your medical records will always be treated with respect and with the strictest confidentiality.

You will be asked to consent to be assessed and treated by your therapist and for your personal data (as described above) to be held securely. This will be done by means of a dated signature.

We have a legal obligation to retain your records for 8 years after your most recent appointment (or age 25, if treating children and young people), but after this period you may ask your therapist to delete your records if you wish. Otherwise we will retain your records indefinitely so they are available should you require treatment at a future date.

Your data will never be sold or shared with anyone for marketing purposes or to any unknown third party.

Your personal data may need to be shared with a GP or consultant (if you are being referred for further medical investigations or intervention) or your healthcare provider/ insurer, should they request information about your treatment plan or for billing purposes. You will always be informed and your consent will be gained prior to sharing any of your personal information.

You have the right to see what personal data of yours we hold, at any time.

If you feel that your personal data is being mishandled in any way you have the right to complain. Complaints need to be sent to Mrs Karen McLaughlin (The Data Controller) at:

Wilmslow CAM Clinic,
6c Hawthorn Lane
Wilmslow, Cheshire

You also have the right to raise concerns with the Information Commissioner's Office.

For more information or to book an appointment…

Call: 07976 980 588 or email physiorehab2u@gmail.com

Physiotherapy helps to restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury or illness. At PhysioRehab2u we treat a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions and provide services for children, adults and the elderly.

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Home visit
Home visit
At PhysioRehab2u we specialise in providing care and falls prevention to elderly patients in the comfort of their home. We provide domiciliary (home) physiotherapy to those living in Cheshire. We cover a 5 mile radius from our Wilmslow clinic.
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Post Surgery
Post surgery
We are experts at treating patients who have undergone surgery. We can facilitate your post operative regime and rehabilitation immediately without the hassle of travelling into clinic and at your convenience.

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Falls prevention
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