Appointments & Prices
PhysioRehab2u is a clinic based service but we also offer domiciliary appointments if required.
The clinic address is PhysioRehab2u, Wilmslow CAM Clinic, 6c Hawthorn Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5PJ
Clinic Appointment
Clinic appointment - Initial | £78 |
Clinic appointment- follow up (45 mins) | £68 |
1 hour appointment | £78 |
Domiciliary visit (within 5 miles)
Initial appointment (up to 1 hour) includes an assessment and treatment with an individual exercise plan. | £100 |
Follow up appointments | £85 |
Domiciliary visit (+5 miles)
Initial appointment (up to 1 hour) | £110 |
Follow up appointments | £95 |
One to one Pilates (1 hour session) | £78 |
Cancellation policy
Please give 24 hours notice of an appointment if you are unable to attend.
Payment is required in full after each treatment session. This may be by debit card, cash, cheque or BACS (details on request)
Please make cheques payable to Karen Mclaughlin.
Medical insurance
I no longer deal directly with Axa PPP, BUPA, Nuffield, HCML, Vitality and Aviva's back to better scheme, due to changes in their terms and conditions.
Patients with these insurance companies will be asked to pay for their physiotherapy directly after each session and then a receipt can be provided for the patient to claim back from their insurer. It would be advisable to check with your insurer first to make sure that they will agree to do this.
I am still registered with WPA and Cigna and can bill them directly with a claim reference and membership number.
Areas we cover
I generally cover a 5 mile radius from Wilmslow. I am able to accept patients out of this area but there will be a small increase in fee to cover this additional time and travel costs incurred.
- Alderley Edge
- Bramhall
- Cheadle hulme
- Hale Barnes
- Handforth
- Mobberley
- Mottram-St-Andrew
- Prestbury
- Wilmslow
- Woodford
For more information or to book an appointment…
Call: 07976 980 588 or email